Sedenius Vehicle Bus Library
Wide range of network support for encoding and decoding
Sedenius Vehicle Bus Library
Our Sedenius Vehicle Bus Library is designed for fast encoding and decoding of common bus data in automotive industry. With the support of a wide range of communication technologies, this library builds the ideal tool for Analysis and Debugging. The components extract and inject signals or complete messages from and into Vehicle Bus Data Streams in various applications. The library supports in the development and verification of autonomous systems, e.g. in SIL and HIL setups. The easy setup and customization enables a flexibility needed for fast prototyping processes.


Wide range of network support for encoding and decoding
- Supported Bus Types: CAN, CAN FD, FleyRey, SOME/IP, TAPI, and DLT*
- Supported Network Definition Files: DBC, ARXML, FIBEX, conformant to AUTOSAR® 4.x Classic and Adaptive
- Support of multiplexed signals and PDUs, array and complex signals
- Support of different computation methods, access to physical, text, and raw values
- Freely configurable channel mapping channel filtering, and error detection
- Extremely fast description file parsing through database caching (2nd run)
- Wide range of trigger and sending options of the encoded/decoded values/stuctures
- Ready built integration’s for ADTF and ROS (2)
Flexible in Integration
- Select between ready to use ROS 2 nodes and ADTF 3 filters or choose the dynamic C++ library to integrate it in your own application running on Linux and Windows for various Visual Studio and GCC versions.
Customizable Interface
With our Sedenius Vehicle Bus Decoder/Encoder Editor you can easily edit the Encoder/Decoder via drag and drop the needed signals from the database. Generate automatically the interface out of your vehicle bus description file for fast setup or map signals to your internal data structure. Take control by defining encoder trigger conditions for sending collected data.

[table id=3 /]
* For further information see the network file dependency table
** Can be supported on request